GWWC London Pledge Celebration 2023
Against Malaria Foundation

GWWC London group organisers is raising money for Against Malaria Foundation.






GWWC London Pledge Celebration 2023

Fundraiser for the GWWC London Pledge Celebration 2023


GWWC London group organisers

The Giving What We Can London group is co-led by volunteers Gemma, Denise and Chris. We're excited to support GWWC's mission of making giving effectively and significantly a cultural norm within London (and in the UK while groups in other cities are being set up).

Raising for:

Against Malaria Foundation
Against Malaria Foundation

Bednets To Prevent Malaria

Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) works to prevent malaria-caused deaths and illness by distributing long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets in at-risk, low-income communities. The organisation also consistently monitors its impact through surveys and case rate data.