The Founders Pledge Global Catastrophic Risks Fund (GCR Fund) works to mitigate the most extreme risks to human civilization, including risks from AI, biosecurity and pandemic preparedness, large-scale nuclear war, and great power competition.
Our grant-making is based on the work of the Founders Pledge research team (see our recent in-depth reports on nuclear war and biosecurity. Based on this work, we prioritize high-leverage hits-based interventions, often via policy advocacy.
We also work closely with other funders as well as current and former policymakers to understand the most tractable issues and seize policy windows quickly.
Christian Ruhl is the Fund Manager for the GCR Fund and a Senior Researcher at Founders Pledge. Previously, he managed the program on "The Future of the Global Order: Power, Technology, and Governance," at Perry World House, the University of Pennsylvania's global affairs think tank.
Global Catastrophic Risks Fund
The Founders Pledge Global Catastrophic Risks Fund supports highly impactful solutions to help prevent the most severe global catastrophes.