Election Candidate: Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (EA Funds)
Effective Altruism Funds: Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund

EA Forum Team is raising money for the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund.






Election Candidate: Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund (EA Funds)

The Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund recommends grants that aim to improve the work of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.

This Fund supports projects that:

  • Directly increase the number of people who are exposed to principles of effective altruism; or develop, refine, or present such principles.
  • Support the recruitment of talented people who can use their skills to make progress on important problems.
  • Aim to build a global community of people who use principles of effective altruism as a core part of their decision-making process when deciding how they can have a positive impact on the world.
  • Conduct research into prioritising between or within different cause areas.
  • Raise funds or otherwise support other highly effective projects.
  • Improve community health by promoting healthy norms for interaction and discourse, or assist in resolving grievances.

You can find more information and some of their past grants here, and Forum discussion related to their work here.

This fundraiser was set up as part of the EA Forum Donation Election event, but it’s a normal fundraiser: donations to this fundraiser will be designated for Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund, not for the Donation Election Fund or anything else.

Please also note that donating to this fundraiser does not count as a vote for the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund in the Donation Election (see more about how the Election works here.)


EA Forum Team

The Forum Team (or the Online Team at the Centre for Effective Altruism) runs the EA Forum, the EA Newsletter, and the EA Forum Digest, and works on some other projects. Find them on the EA Forum.

Raising for:

Effective Altruism Funds: Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund
Effective Altruism Funds

Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund

The Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund aims to increase the impact of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.